
Goma’s Girls Assert Their Rights with Powerful Mural Project

Goma’s Girls Assert Their Rights with Powerful Mural Project

In an endeavor that melds art with advocacy, Colors of Connection, in collaboration with Tulizo Elle Space, has orchestrated a vibrant initiative in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo that has girls' rights on display on a massive scale.

Walking through the neighborhood, you’ll spot two large murals that highlight a local Girls’ Bill of Rights, inspired by The Global Girls’ Bill of Rights®. These artworks were conceived and painted by girls.

Safiya Speaks Up! Makes Waves in Southeast Asia

Safiya Speaks Up! Makes Waves in Southeast Asia

Safiya Speaks Up!, the impactful children's book developed by five She’s the First Girl Activist Fellows, is making significant strides in Southeast Asia through the efforts of two of its passionate authors and advocates, Anya Legarda and Allison Choong. It was created to educate young girls about combatting sexual violence and using their voices. Since its digital publication last fall, mentors and parents have shared Safiya’s story with more than 3,000 girls across the globe.

What Being Diagnosed With a Chronic Illness Taught Both My Mom and Me - A Note On The Power of Relationships and Advocating for Your Health

What Being Diagnosed With a Chronic Illness Taught Both My Mom and Me - A Note On The Power of Relationships and Advocating for Your Health

What if all daughters had someone in their corner? Someone who told them to believe in themselves, trust their gut, and keep going even when times got hard? 

Learning how to raise your voice and trust yourself is a major step towards choosing your own future, and demanding to be respected and heard. Rachel shares her story of overcoming medical gaslighting and chronic illness, with the help of her biggest ally, her mom.

FGM Must Remain Illegal in The Gambia - Girl-Centered Organizations Demand Better for Girls

We, the undersigned girl-centered organizations, vehemently oppose the ongoing efforts to repeal the ban against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in The Gambia. FGM—the partial or total removal of external female genitalia for non-medical reasons—is a profoundly harmful practice that violates the rights and dignity of girls. It is a form of violence that often results in long-term physical and psychological consequences.

The Women’s (Amendment) Act of 2015 is a crucial legislation, protecting the rights and well-being of girls in The Gambia. Reversing this significant step forward in ensuring girls' safety and health would constitute a grave injustice and a regression in the fight for gender equality and human rights.

5 Lessons for Girl-Led Activism

5 Lessons for Girl-Led Activism

We kicked off the first day of the 68th UN Commission on the Status of Women with our first-ever side event: "Girl-Led Activism: How to Get it Right," based on the learnings of our Girl Activist Fellowship. How do we make sure we’re doing work that is TRULY girl-led and doing it well?

JOINT STATEMENT: Girl-Centered Organizations Condemn Femicide in Kenya

We, the undersigned girl-centered organizations, express our deep concern and condemnation regarding the alarming rise in femicides in Kenya. We stand in solidarity with our fellow women leaders in Kenya who are demanding that the President of Kenya declare femicide and violence against women and girls a national disaster. The government must take swift and decisive measures to protect lives and ensure justice for the victims.