
COMMUNITY: Find your people. Connect with peers all over the world who, like you, want to see girls everywhere thrive. Learn firsthand from experts, too!


TRAINING: Access toolkits, resources, and webinars that support you to advocate for your rights in your home, school, and community.

IMPACT: See exactly what a difference your fundraising and advocacy makes on girls, through STF’s relationships with community-based organizations in 10 countries.

See What Former Chapter Members Have to Say:


“During college, I was in need of some type of community and stumbled upon STF American University. There I connected with some of the most amazing and inspiring people that helped build my confidence and leadership abilities. Looking back today, I can say without a doubt STF helped shape the person I am today, and helped me land on my career path as a social worker. Forever thankful to be part of this community.”

- Emily Shewski, STF American University

“Joining STF has completely transformed my high school experience. I feel overwhelmed and incredibly grateful to have met so many other incredible women nationally, and internationally. I am proud to have served as VP this year, and wish all the best every strong and powerful girl a part of our community.”

- Sophia Lombardo, STF Staten Island Academy


“Beyond helping me grow as an advocate and activist, STF fueled my interest to pursue a career in the social impact space. I gained outstanding experience in fundraising, event management, marketing, and overall nonprofit management. STF also taught me valuable lessons in ethical, sustainable nonprofit work that doesn’t view impact as ‘charity’ — which has guided all of my professional experiences.”

- Hannah Bremer, STF University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

“Leading my She's the First campus chapter has been the most fruitful experience of my high school career. I will forever be grateful for the opportunities She's the First provided for me to learn more about gender equality, activism, and how to contribute to local and global communities. Establishing my She's the First campus chapter as a leading club at my high school is my most prideful accomplishment, and I can't express how much I've loved being an active member and leader within it.”

- Ava Parsons, STF Gene L. Klida Utica Academy for International Studies


“Today, I approach my career with a more inclusive mindset. I never take for granted the privilege I had in connecting with the STF Campus Community to drive our collaborative efforts, passion, and creativity to support girls by helping them shine their potential through the most powerful tool there is - education. What made STF special to me was knowing I had the opportunity to be impactful by creating change.

- Shivani Rajendran, STF University of Maryland - College Park

“She’s the First has brought me a sense of community and purpose on campus. It has also helped me make connections, start friendships and truly show me how lucky I am to have such easy access to education that isn’t so easy for other women and children around the world. I’ve met some of my best friends through she’s the first all while bringing awareness and helping women all around the world get the education they all deserve.

- Amal Hassan, STF Arizona College Prep High School

See Where We Are: