Arlington Academy of Hope

Nurturing Mercy's Dream to Become a Doctor

“I dream of becoming a doctor so that I can save people and be independent.”

At our partner Arlington Academy of Hope in Uganda, Mercy’s dreams are nurtured. Her ambitions are resourced, and her curiosity is fed instead of silenced. She is respected, educated, and heard. 

Mercy Nandutu: A Trailblazer for Girls in Nuclear Engineering in Her Community

Mercy Nandutu is a nuclear engineer earning her second master’s degree—in fact, she’s the first person from her village in Uganda ever to become a nuclear engineer. “If that young girl from my past could witness my journey to becoming a nuclear engineer, she would undoubtedly feel an overwhelming sense of empowerment and possibility,” reflected Mercy. “Seeing my achievements, she would believe that she is capable of overcoming any obstacle and achieving her dreams. She would feel a sense of representation and validation in seeing someone like herself excel in the field.”

5 Lessons for Girl-Led Activism

5 Lessons for Girl-Led Activism

We kicked off the first day of the 68th UN Commission on the Status of Women with our first-ever side event: "Girl-Led Activism: How to Get it Right," based on the learnings of our Girl Activist Fellowship. How do we make sure we’re doing work that is TRULY girl-led and doing it well?

Vision and Transformation: A Visit to Arlington Academy of Hope in Uganda

My key takeaway is legacy and the power of vision!” wrote Training Manager Emma Mogaka of her recent visit to our Ugandan partner Arlington Academy of Hope. Members of our programs team witnessed our partner’s work in action and led customized trainings in girl-centered design for the organization’s staff, as well as sexual and reproductive health and rights workshops for the girls.