Girls—and Malala!—Demonstrate to Let World Leaders Know What Girls Want!

Girls—and Malala!—Demonstrate to Let World Leaders Know What Girls Want!

On September 21, 2024, in New York City, more than 50 young women from around the world—including the youngest Nobel Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai and representatives from four She’s the First programs!—gathered to take United Nations member states to task for failing to prioritize girls and young women in the planning and content of the Summit of the Future.

Girl-Centered Incubator: Fellow Stories

We are thrilled to announce the first-ever graduation of the Girl-Centered Incubator (GCI), a pioneering fellowship designed to support young visionary female leaders in the Global South. Three years ago, six young women joined the program driven by a shared passion for change and a commitment to ensuring that girls in their communities are respected, educated, and heard. Read on to learn more about all six of their programs.

"Education is our weapon to confront society."

"Education is our weapon to confront society."

The latest edition of The Girl Gazette is here! This edition highlights an incredible poem about girls’ leadership, a critical essay about a patriarchal community, and body-positive artwork encouraging girls to end period stigma.

Girls First Summit 2024 Debuts in Uganda and Shines in Nairobi

Girls First Summit 2024 Debuts in Uganda and Shines in Nairobi

After months of meticulous preparation, the 8th iteration of the Girls First Summit in Nairobi and the first-ever Summit in Uganda finally arrived! Girls First Summit, hosted by She’s the First,  brings together courageous women who work with underserved girls to strengthen their programs, learn practical ways to build girls' power in their communities, and network.

Goma’s Girls Assert Their Rights with Powerful Mural Project

Goma’s Girls Assert Their Rights with Powerful Mural Project

In an endeavor that melds art with advocacy, Colors of Connection, in collaboration with Tulizo Elle Space, has orchestrated a vibrant initiative in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo that has girls' rights on display on a massive scale.

Walking through the neighborhood, you’ll spot two large murals that highlight a local Girls’ Bill of Rights, inspired by The Global Girls’ Bill of Rights®. These artworks were conceived and painted by girls.

She’s the First Launches Girls First Institute to Revolutionize Professional Development in Global Girls’ Rights Space

She’s the First, a global girls’ rights organization, is thrilled to announce the launch of the Girls First Institute. This groundbreaking initiative equips grassroots organizations worldwide with the resources, tools, and strategies to prioritize girls’ rights, education, and agency in their communities.

The Girls First Institute, which offers two certification levels, “Essential” and “Advanced,” provides vital skills in girl-centered program design, feminist mentorship, and sexual and reproductive health and rights programming, addressing the lack of affordable, high-quality training for women-led, girl-focused organizations in the Global South.

Safiya Speaks Up! Makes Waves in Southeast Asia

Safiya Speaks Up! Makes Waves in Southeast Asia

Safiya Speaks Up!, the impactful children's book developed by five She’s the First Girl Activist Fellows, is making significant strides in Southeast Asia through the efforts of two of its passionate authors and advocates, Anya Legarda and Allison Choong. It was created to educate young girls about combatting sexual violence and using their voices. Since its digital publication last fall, mentors and parents have shared Safiya’s story with more than 3,000 girls across the globe.

Empowered Woman, Infinite Impact: My Journey with MAIA and She's the First

Follow the inspiring journey of our Senior Programs Manager, Ceci Arriaza, from her time working with our incredible partner, @MAIA Impact (@MAIA_Impact), to her role today at She’s the First, where she leads Ellas al Frente, our joint three-year program to improve outcomes for girls in the Northern Triangle . Through it all, MAIA has been a steadfast partner at the forefront of empowering Indigenous girls through education and leadership. 

Discover how MAIA's innovative approach and local expertise have transformed lives, celebrated with every chant of "Empowered Woman, Infinite Impact!" The appointment of Indigenous Mayan women Andrea Coche and Lidia Oxí as co-executive leaders showcases the powerful impact of community-led efforts.

Empowering West Africa's Girls: Reflections from the 2024 Adolescent Girls Summit in Liberia

Empowering West Africa's Girls: Reflections from the 2024 Adolescent Girls Summit in Liberia

Our staffer Florence Sidi reflects on a transformative week at The Adolescent Girls Summit in Liberia, which equipped over 150 girls from seven West African countries with tools and knowledge to navigate adolescence with grace and resilience. The event featured inspiring speeches, hands-on training with our What Would You Do? (WWYD?) card game, and workshops on critical topics like social media advocacy and reproductive health. Highlights included the introduction of our Period Diary toolkit and an empowering call to action shared with high-level dignitaries. The summit's legacy of empowerment and growth will inspire and uplift young women across West Africa, igniting a brighter future for generations to come.

Why Do You Need Feminism? She's the First Chapter Speaks Up

Why Do You Need Feminism? She's the First Chapter Speaks Up

Why do you need feminism? Challenging stereotypes about what it means to be feminist and connecting it to their personal lives, students at Clark High School’s She’s the First Chapter in Plano, Texas, crafted empowering posters answering this compelling question.

What Being Diagnosed With a Chronic Illness Taught Both My Mom and Me - A Note On The Power of Relationships and Advocating for Your Health

What Being Diagnosed With a Chronic Illness Taught Both My Mom and Me - A Note On The Power of Relationships and Advocating for Your Health

What if all daughters had someone in their corner? Someone who told them to believe in themselves, trust their gut, and keep going even when times got hard? 

Learning how to raise your voice and trust yourself is a major step towards choosing your own future, and demanding to be respected and heard. Rachel shares her story of overcoming medical gaslighting and chronic illness, with the help of her biggest ally, her mom.

Tara Abrahams on Paving the Way for Our Daughters

Tara Abrahams on Paving the Way for Our Daughters

"What kind of mother do I want to be? What kind of world do I want to help build for the next generation?" When our board chair, Tara Abrahams, learned she was pregnant with her first daughter, she reflected on the world she would raise her in.

"The idea that my child wouldn't have access to the same opportunities—depending on gender identity—just stuck in my gut and wouldn't let go. I've spent the past 15 years creating and supporting movements that advance girls' education, women's empowerment, and gender equality around the world."

Tara is an advocate for girls and women globally, a mom, a storyteller, and a life-long learner. Becoming a mother was the catalyst for her dedication to gender equality; read on for her thoughts on how we all can pave the road a bit smoother for the girls journeying after us.

A Partner Closing the Distance for Girls’ Education

A Partner Closing the Distance for Girls’ Education

The Small World is a not-for-profit charitable organization supporting locally-driven, sustainable community development projects. These projects provide not only education for children—especially young girls at risk from exploitation—but also remove traditional barriers to girls' education, create empowerment scenarios for local communities, and ultimately help to end deep-rooted cycles of poverty.

Mercy Nandutu: A Trailblazer for Girls in Nuclear Engineering in Her Community

Mercy Nandutu is a nuclear engineer earning her second master’s degree—in fact, she’s the first person from her village in Uganda ever to become a nuclear engineer. “If that young girl from my past could witness my journey to becoming a nuclear engineer, she would undoubtedly feel an overwhelming sense of empowerment and possibility,” reflected Mercy. “Seeing my achievements, she would believe that she is capable of overcoming any obstacle and achieving her dreams. She would feel a sense of representation and validation in seeing someone like herself excel in the field.”