
Author: Fatima Hammouda, STF Youth Ambassador

لولا الحياة تعطي ما تعطي

لهديت للمعلم كل صعب المنال

ان ما قدمه لنا من علم ومعرفة

كان له نورا في دنياه

واشكره واقدره واحترمه

على كل مجهوداته التي تحصى ولا تضام

الله وليه في أموره

لأنه صبر وعمل واجتهد

لكي يربي جيولا ،وينمي عقولا، ويوجه شبابا

دمت سالما يا فنان

A girl with an education is unstoppable—but barriers like gender discrimination, poverty, and exploitation prevent many girls from reaching graduation. Our Youth Ambassadors created the Power of Poetry campaign to amplify girls' voices about this issue for Poetry Month and Global Action Week for Education.

Fatima Hammouda, 20, is a She’s the First Youth Ambassador from Morocco. As part of the program, she helped create and produce the Power of Poetry campaign! When she’s not studying at university, she enjoys writing poetry.