Author: Aadya Chaudhary
Why do I talk about feminism? As I have grown up, it's become clear to me that not everyone receives equal opportunities and rights. I really want to see a change in this world, and I believe that change is possible if people believe and want to support it.
Many people are under the impression that feminism means that women are above men, but that is not at all the case. The goal of feminism is to have equality for ALL genders. Feminism, in simple terms, is the belief in the economic, political, and social equality of genders. Feminism stemmed from the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention nearly 173 years ago! This was one of the first conventions for women to discuss their rights.
“The goal of feminism is to have equality for ALL genders. Feminism, in simple terms, is the belief in the economic, political, and social equality of genders. ”
Even after almost 173 years in the fight for feminism, more change is needed. There are many examples of how gender inequality is affecting people around the world today.
In some places, it is very difficult for girls to get an education. Girls are expected to help around the home; they don’t have the opportunity to achieve their dreams of becoming a doctor, engineer, or artist.
Girls as young as 13 are forced into marriage. They don’t get to experience childhood. They can't explore and learn. In many places, the views of females are deemed unimportant.
Women aren't given many opportunities to be in leadership positions around the world.
At school, girls are not permitted to wear leggings, sleeveless tops, or shorts. But if you take a look at the boys' dress code, there are no such restrictions. Schools are encouraging girls to be treated differently.
A question that I've come across often is if anyone can believe feminism and should they? The answer is yes! Men, women, non-binary people, anyone can believe in feminism. As for if they should believe it, human rights is not an opinion. Every single person on this planet deserves equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal respect. Nobody deserves to be set apart.
How can you help?
To start off with, educate yourself! Here are some of my recommendations:
Read books on feminism. (We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Because I Was A Girl by Melissa De La Cruz)
Watch movies on feminism. (On The Basis of Sex, Hidden Figures, Moxie, and Equal Means Equal, just to name a few!)
Read about and listen to feminists. (Malala Yousafzai, Gloria Steinem, Emma Watson, Michelle Obama, and so many more!)
Speak about girls’ and women's rights.
Post on social media to spread awareness.
Write about feminism and share ideas to help move the fight for rights forward.
Instill feminism in yourself. Live by these beliefs. Make the world better!
Aadya, 14, is a high school freshman in Florida. She's incredibly passionate about girl's rights and creating equal opportunities for all individuals around the globe. She's also involved in National Junior Honor Society where she contributed as a secretary at her school. She is an actress who has worked in short films and performed in plays at her school. Her other interests are screenwriting, reading, traveling, photography, editing, and painting - just to name a few!