She's the First

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Safiya Speaks Up! Makes Waves in Southeast Asia

By Brooke Williams, Communications Specialist

Safiya Speaks Up!, the impactful children's book developed by five She’s the First Girl Activist Fellows, is making significant strides in Southeast Asia through the efforts of two of its passionate authors and advocates, Anya Legarda and Allison Choong. It was created to educate young girls about how to combat sexual violence and use their voices. Since its digital publication last fall, mentors and parents have shared Safiya’s story with more than 3,000 girls across the globe. A grassroots leader who uses the book at her community-based organization for girls said:

Anya's Inspiring Outreach in the Philippines

In April, Anya, 17, marked a milestone with her first book distribution outreach at Marillac Hills, a women’s shelter under the country’s Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). During this event, Anya distributed 25 books and five Mentor’s Guides to the girls and their house parents. She shared her experiences:

In early May, a psychiatrist from Davao City contacted Anya, expressing interest in using Safiya Speaks Up! in child protective services. This collaboration aims to provide valuable resources to child patients in Mindanao, further extending the book's reach and impact.

In collaboration with Modern Parenting, a leading lifestyle magazine for parents, Anya helped distribute 120 books during their Mother’s Day event. The initiative included both English and Filipino editions, ensuring broader accessibility and engagement.

Anya, a rising 11th grader, was 15 when she and her co-authors started this project as Girl Activist Fellows. She reflected:

Allison's Achievements in Malaysia

In November 2023, Allison Choong, 20-year-old co-author and illustrator of Safiya Speaks Up!, conducted a school outreach program, talking to over 300 students across three different schools.

That same month, she received the Highly Commended Award in Arts & Culture at the 2023 Women of the Future Southeast Asia Awards in Singapore, recognizing her outstanding contributions.

Last month, Allison's dedication and innovative approach were further acknowledged when she won the Grand Prize in Drexel University’s Undergraduate Excellence Quick Pitch Competition. In celebration of the university’s Week of Undergraduate Excellence, students competed by presenting three-minute, one-slide explanations of their research, creative work, community engagement, or academic global experiences.

Allison was recently notified that she is a finalist for the Canon Young Champion of the Year at the Global Good Awards. In her application, she wrote, “Through being a She’s the First Girl Activist Fellow, my aim is to empower young girls to respond to sexual and domestic violence, using art, illustration and storytelling as mediums of activism.” We’ll all find out the results on October 3!

Looking Ahead

As Safiya Speaks Up! continues to gain momentum, both Anya and Allison are working on further outreach collaborations. Their efforts are not only spreading awareness but also empowering young girls across Southeast Asia to speak up and stand against sexual violence.

In Safiya Speaks Up!, Safiya learns the difference between safe and unsafe touch and identifies three trustworthy adults in her life. The accompanying Mentor’s Guide provides additional information, context, and resources so that trusted adults can help girls understand Safiya’s story and how they can use the tools that Safiya used. Read Safiya Speaks Up to the girls in your life. The book is available for download in English, Malay, and Tagalog at no cost at