Run for STF

Our 2024 TCS New York City Marathon Team is complete!

To apply for the waitlist, please fill out this short application and we will be in touch if a spot reopens.

Interested in joining Team STF for 2025? Or are you running a local race and want to support She's the First? Email our Development Manager, Kayla Pate (!

The Race for Gender Equality

The History

Sirjana crosses the finish line at the 5K she organized in 2015 - she finished first of the girls.

Seven years ago, 14-year-old Sirjana made waves by organizing the first 5K Race in her hometown community in Nepal to raise awareness for gender equity and girls' rights.

Today, she is a college student, still making waves.

On International Women's Day, March 8th, 2024, Sirjana and her friends organized a bigger race, this time in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal! She invited everyone to follow her on her journey to blaze a new path for girls in Nepal.

We cheered on Sirjana and her friends as they raised their voices while racing for a more equitable future. Then, it was our turn. The entire She's the First community was invited to run their own Race for Gender Equality, because we're in this together!

"My story isn't unique. It's just what happens when girls and women get education and a fair chance. They make their dreams come true."

- Sirjana, now a college student, 2024

Share Your Race!

Share your race for gender equality and why you’re running on social media! Tag @Shesthefirst and #ProgressFeelsLike to share your vision for a brighter future for girls and women everywhere!