“Because of my mentor, I believe I can become a great leader in my community.”

Feminist mentors are essential to safeguarding girls’ rights to be educated, respected, and heard, particularly as the societal effects of COVID-19 continue to disproportionately oppress girls.

 Feminist mentorship is based on the recognition of girls’ rights and agency over their own lives. Feminist mentors allow space for girls to make their own decisions while providing them with all the necessary information and support they need to find their way.

During the pandemic, She’s the First and our partner coalition ensured mentors could still reach more than 8,000 girls in East and West Africa, South Asia, and Latin America.

As girls navigate accelerated school terms, mental health concerns, and the digital divide, there are still challenges ahead. With access to a supportive and knowledgeable mentor, these obstacles are surmountable.

Our vision is a world where all girls can choose their own future.
Meet some of the women making it happen:

The stars of the video are Selina, a mentor, and students Gela and Miram, from our Guatemalan partner MAIA.
The three mentors pictured above are Jesca, Anna, and Zainab, from our Tanzanian partner GLAMI.

Amplify the Top Characteristics of Feminist Mentors

Download these graphics here.

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For #InternationalWomensDay & #WomensHistoryMonth, @shesthefirst is celebrating the women who encourage girls in the pursuit of their dreams. Donate now to support feminist mentorship programming or share your own feminist mentor story: #MentorsMakeItHappen: shesthefirst.org/mentorsmakeithappen

Share why having a feminist mentor is important to you

Let’s tell the world what makes feminist mentorship so special. Share our posts about the top characteristics of feminist mentors or share your mentorship story! Share on social media with #MentorsMakeItHappen, and it could be shared here and on our social channels!